Organ Donation

It’s pretty simple, the act of donating blood and/or donating
an organ or tissue, is providing the Gift of Life.

Donating Organs

The initial question is, “why donate an organ?”

Hopefully after viewing this website, there will be a better understanding of why.  Our bodies are a symphony of mechanisms when in tune, work very well.  When they don’t, we seek assistance of the health professionals to pursue wellness.  Most of the time, treatment options are readily available, however sometimes they are not.  Organ or tissue replacement is the only answer.  When you choose to donate tissue or organs upon death, you may enhance, extend or save the lives of up to eight people.  The value of “paying it forward” becomes a gift eight-fold.

According to, donors made more than 28,000 transplants possible last year.  “Another one million people received cornea and other tissue transplants that helped them recover from trauma, bone damage, spinal injuries, burns, hearing impairment and vision loss. Unfortunately, thousands die every year waiting for a donor organ that never comes. You have the power to change that.”

Living Donation

Living donation occurs when a kidney, part of the liver, lung, intestine, pancreas, bone marrow or blood, is donated by a healthy person to a related or unrelated person.  Biologically related individuals, such as a parent, child, brother or sister.  An unrelated donation is typically a living donor who is emotionally related to the recipient, such as a good friend, spouse, or in-law.

Living donors are typically between the age of 18 to 60 years of age, although this is dependent on the health of the individual.

The prospective donor must meet specific criteria, such as a compatible blood type and in some instances, tissue type. The donor is specifically evaluated with laboratory testing, physical examination, as well as psychological evaluation, to determine acceptance.

As you choose your decision, please view our resources or click on the widget to the right to find your State and how you can register to donate.

The Need is Real

  • About 116,600 people are waiting for an organ
  • 18 people will die each day waiting for an organ
  • 1 organ donor can save up to 8 lives

Choose your State and find out how you can register to donate an organ.